
how to move in Val di Pejo

How to get around by means of transport

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how to get around on holiday

transportation in the valley

Val di Pejo is located in Stelvio National Park at an altitude between 1000 m and 3790 m a.s.l. and consists of 7 hamlets.

The valley features a number of transport options, such as scheduled buses, the Ski bus in the winter, the Stelviobus, the Shuttle bus that connects all the hamlets and the Bike Bus line in the summer. Therefore, you can get around in Val di Pejo and Val di Sole without using your car and thus making a more sustainable choice for the environment.

Public transport

A network of coaches and trains link the various towns in the valley and the Val di Sole with Trentino

Ski Bus

In winter an efficent free ski bus service links towns in the valley with the 3 ski areas


In summer, leave your car outside the Stelvio National Park and take part in the Stelviobus project

Winter ski bus

Park your car and find out how to move freely in Val di Pejo

Water Bus

From Val di Pejo all the way to Val di Rabbi: a special route connecting two locations surrounded by nature in the Stelvio National Park

Bike Train

Use the MTB and cycle paths in Val di Sole to get where you need to go and, when you are tired, just hop on the Bike train...with your bike

Bike Bus

A really handy bus linking the cycle path and the atarting points for many of the best cycling trails in the valley

Summer lift facilities

Use the ski lifts to go up to 3000 meters. With a Bike Pass you can even take your bike. And with Val di Sole Guest Card you ride free or charge


Private transfer services in the valley to meet your specific travel needs