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Cura Idropinica Terme di Pejo | © Archivio Terme di Pejo

Water and rocks are closely connected: the composition of each mineral source strongly depends on the type of soil with which it comes into contact and from which it flows. This is why the water of each source is different from the others. The mineral sources of the Val di Pejo originate within the Ortles-Cevedale Mountain massif. It takes many years for the water to complete its journey through the various geological layers and gets its final chemical structure rich in precious minerals.

Pejo water is natural effervescent mineral water with a high content of free carbon dioxide. The Spa takes advantage of the different characteristics of the three different springs and uses them in accordance with their specific properties:

        ● Fonte Alpina: classified as low mineral content, it is very light and known and its therapeutic action on the liver, kidneys and tissues. It is also used as a drink and intended for bottling; this water, very light and cold when upon emergence, has a temperature of 7.2° C, a very low concentration of salts and a pH close to neutrality.

        ● Antica Fonte: classified as medium-mineral, bicarbonate, ferruginous and carbonic, it has a high content of carbon dioxide, which dissolves many minerals, including iron (temperature at the source of 7.7 ° C and acidic pH)

        ● Nuova Fonte (Fonte San Camillo): classified as a mineral, natural effervescent, calcium-magnesium and ferruginous bicarbonate water, it is characterized by a high concentration of bicarbonates and by the presence of ions, calcium and magnesium which explain the alkalizing properties (temperature at the source of 6.5° C) 

Cura Idropinica Terme di Pejo | © Archivio Terme di Pejo - Ph Nadia Baldo

A few kilometers from Pejo  Fonti in Pian Palù, there are two other ancient sources of ferruginous water: the Fontanino di Celentino and the Fontanino di Pejo.                    

Pejo’s thermal water is used to carry out three different types of therapeutic treatments, such as the following:

        ● Hydropinic treatment (administration of thermal water as a drink): it represents the main thermal treatment of kidney diseases, the digestive system, the urinary system, hepatobiliary diseases, and blood and lymphatic diseases. The hydroponic treatment is followed by the doctor who indicates the type of suitable water, the method of intake and the duration of the treatment, offering the patient information material relevant to the chemical composition and properties of water. To understand the effectiveness of the hydropinic treatment, one can refer to the fact that the ferruginous water (Pejo water has a very high content of ferrous ion, one of the highest in Europe) can even replace the pharmacological treatment in some cases and has no side effects and it’s easily absorbed by the body. The treatment is recommended for people lacking iron, such as pregnant women and intensively training athletes.

        ● Inhalation treatment (inhalations, aerosols, micronized nasal showers, nebulization): it is effective for the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis, pharyngolaryngitis, allergic rhinitis, rhinobronchial syndrome, chronic bronchitis and asthma

        ● Balneotherapy treatment: carbon dioxide bath, limb bath, series of cold and hot baths. It effectively treats the following:

                        o Arthro-rheumatic and muscular pathologies, outcomes of trauma and fractures, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis

                        o chronic peripheral arteriopathies

                        o vascular diseases (phlebopathies)

                        o cellulite and lymphatic pathology

                        o localized and widespread obesity

                        o dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis)

Cura Idropinica Terme di Pejo | © Archivio Terme di Pejo

For the different treatments described above, the three types of water are used. Water is conveyed through underground pipes to the place where the Spa Centre is located. Even the ancient spa was located there. Each type of spring has peculiar characteristics and it is suitable for different treatments, such as the following:

        ● Fonte Alpina, mineral water, is used in hydropinic treatments

        ● Nuova Fonte, mineral thermal water is used in hydropinic treatments and for treating  vascular diseases

        ● Antica Fonte, medium-mineral water, used in the following therapies:

                o hydroponic treatments

                         o  baths for arthro-rheumatic diseases

                         o  baths for dermatological diseases

                         o  baths with manual hydromassage

                         o  baths with automatic hydromassage

                         o aerosols

                         o inhalations

                         o ionic aerosols

                         o sonic aerosols

                         o micronized showers

Terme di Pejo | © Archivio APT Val di Sole



Via delle Acque Acidule 3
38024 Peio Fonti (TN)
Phone +39 0463 753226 - Fax 0463 743207 -