

The blue gold of Val di Pejo

  • water
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are you thirsty for a holiday?

val di Pejo will refresh you

From the snow of the glaciers to mountain streams, from alpine lakes to thermal springs, water in its different forms is the most precious resource of this land.

Lakes and waterfalls

Lose yourself in the beauty of fresh streams or the blue mirror lakes that reflect the surrounding forests or the impetuous jumps of waterfalls.

Hydroelectric power station

Water: sustainable energy. The hydroelectric power station of Pont is one of the most beautiul in italy for the artistic richnessof the interiorr spaces. It was built in the 1920s and has been using the waters of the Noce river for 100 years to produce clean energy.

Pejo mineral water

Naturally pure. Pejo mineral water was born at 1393 meters a.s.l at the foot of the Ortels-Cevedale group in the Stevlio National Park.