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Stelvio National Park

Stelvio National Park


The Stelvio National Park is, with 130.700 hectares right in the heart of the central Alps, a typical high mountain national park: almost 75% of this territory is located above a height of 2000 meters and it reaches a maximum height of 3.905 m on the Ortles peak. It is the largest Park in the Alps and among the largest in Europe. Since 1977, the Stelvio National Park has been linked to the Swiss National Park of Engadina. The two Parks together are a unique, large multi-national protected area. Below the snow-clad peaks and perpetual glaciers, the landscape in the Park’s valleys is characterized by conifer forests and pastures. The National Park was set up in order to preserve, for the benefit of future generations, the geological structure and wildlife of this Alpine region, as well as to protect the art, culture and history of its inhabitants. The Park promotes scientific research and encourages touristic and cultural visits. 

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Peio - Cogolo, Via Roma, 65


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