Trentino Booking Booking

Wildlife Area Runcal

Stelvio National Park


The Stelvio National Park Wildlife Area, located along the road that goes from Peio Fonti to Peio Paese, is home to stags and roe deer.

Here you can watch these animals in their natural habitat, observe the dynamics between the animals and gain a good understanding of what a key founding principle of the Park - environmental protection - means.

The deer house (casa dei cervi) is an education centre, with infographic panels illustrating the characteristics and habits of the species. The carefully designed set-up encourages children and youngsters to learn more about the lives of the animals in the Stelvio National Park while playing.

Group visits can be requested by calling +39 0463 909775 or writing to 



Peio - Runcal area, on the SP87 road that connects Peio Fonti to Peio Paese

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